Friday, November 2, 2007

Border Angels Reflection

Well, I kind of had mixed feelings about our Border Angel, Enruqie Morones. All in all I liked him, but he did have some faults. I thought it was unprofessional of him to go about blatantly insulting such organizations as the Minute Men, even though I agreed with what he was saying. My point is hard to explain, but I’ll do my best to express myself, I feel that he should have tried to stay with the facts and things like that, not go into his personal feelings. He can talk all he wants about how the Minute Men have public displays of racism and from his experience are not very nice people, but not call they crazy, insane, or nuts. That’s just what I think.
Other than that one small criticism, I really liked having him in our class. He seemed like he was really dedicated to this cause, and even though he is faced with threats and hate mail, he still comes in with a smile on his face and with a warm attitude. That’s really what I like to see.
Part of the way through his presentation, I came to the conclusion that this was essentially his dream job. This wasn’t just something he likes, it’s not just a task on a checklist, everything he does for this organization is from the bottom of his heart and he has poured his soul into this club. I’m really happy to see that Enrique Morones is having a great time in the Border Angels, and the fact that he’s to dedicated to it is a quality that I greatly admire. I hope to be seeing him again soon for another class discussion.

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